
Adullam provides a home for individuals on parole that do not have anywhere else to go.


Though the motivation behind Adullam is our belief and obedience to Christ, we do not require residents to have any beliefs or interest in Christ or attend any religious events of any kind.


Our goal for transition is to encourage and support individuals during the shift from toxic relationships to healthy relationships. This is why Adullam is a home, not a program. We have no underlying goal for others, but provide a supportive environment to model healthy relationships.

The Homes

Adullam has been providing housing for men since March 2012 and housing for women since October of 2015. Currently, Adullam has 38 beds for men and 12 beds for women. 

Many see these transition homes for men and women coming out of prison as our ministry. We do not share that perspective. This is essential and the core of what the Lord has raised up here. Adullam is simply the vehicle the Lord uses to reveal Himself by His Spirit. We are not social workers. We live as witnesses to Him: To use no worldly ways and allow Him to put us in a position where only He can meet the needs as a living testimony to Him, so no one can share His glory.


Adullam is entirely reliant on God to provide. Program fees are charged to cover the expenses to operate the houses but are as low as possible for men and women to save money as they transition. We do not pursue grants but have remained in operation through the program fees paid by the residents and occasional donations. We do not profit from the houses, nor do any people involved receive a salary.

How Adullam Functions

The houses are strictly managed concerning maintaining a safe environment to ensure the residents don’t have to face further stress in the home as they are adjusting back to life in a community. Residents are expected to take responsibility for themselves, their behavior and work towards their personal goals. If issues come up, they are addressed and dealt with immediately to ensure the safety of all residents as well as stay compliant with Probation and Parole.

We offer support and guidance through the time of transition for people coming out of the earliest heavily supervised and monitored stages of transition, to increasingly independent but still accountable stages.

To date, we have had over 300 men and women come through Adullam. We are aware and understand the risks of dealing with people whose backgrounds include drug and alcohol addiction; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; and family dysfunction. However, we also understand that we can only assist those who have already shown some propensity toward change.