July 2024 Financial Report
June 2024 Financial Report
May 2024 Financial Report
April 2024 Financial Report
March 2024 Financial Report
February 2024 Financial Report
2023 Year-End Testimony
I wanted to write something not only to update those of you that have supported us in some way, but also to connect with other believers, to share with other servants of Christ, and rejoice and acknowledge our thankfulness to God, our Father who continues to sustain us.
I am hesitant to write about the reality of the day-to-day work because I don’t ever want to come across as asking for money. I don’t ever want the emphasis to be on the “doing,” but want to share the desire and the basis of Adullam- which is living by faith in Christ alone and learning to trust Him day by day. We have continued for 12 years trusting God and responding to what is in front of us.
It also feels insensitive to share the stories of people in their vulnerability and moments of need. However, I hope what comes across is God’s enduring provision as we look to Him amid our current circumstances and respond to those he brings among us. These are the moments He uses to teach us about Himself. These are the trials which lift our eyes to Him.
These are some of the people we live among:
One woman has been with us for 20 months. She has saved money and is beginning to talk, actually talk—share more about herself and what she thinks and feels. She recently began looking for her own place. She has never lived on her own or been responsible for everything by herself. She is 28 years old. We support her by answering questions that come up and reassuring her when she feels overwhelmed.
Another woman is moving her children into one of our homes with her. She can’t afford rent and utilities at this point because she is still paying back past debts resulting from poor past decisions. Circumstances changed so she had to find someplace for her children. There will likely be much upheaval in moving her children and then reestablishing relationships with them. We will carry her, paying utilities and whatever else is needed and revisiting the arrangement in the future as she gets settled and stable. We also must walk with her through the turmoil that will likely come with her children. We don’t know what all that might entail: likely school pickups and filling in where needed, most likely at inconvenient times. We feel we should support her in this way at this time.
One of our men had been incarcerated for over 40 years. He came to us out of prison and then moved on. He can’t read. He was living on the street but then came back to us because he was sick and needed more support. He has congestive heart failure. He can’t pay rent. We arranged with him that he could do yard work, etc. in exchange for rent but now he is unable to maintain that because his body is breaking down. We feel we should continue to support him at this time.
Another person is schizophrenic. He has not been wanting to work but we continue to talk with him about doing what he can to pay his bills. He will receive some social security next spring but it will barely cover his rent. He let his other government supplemental help lapse so we are helping him reapply for that for help with food and following up about his medical coverage so he can continue to receive the medications he needs. We feel, in prayer, that we should continue to support him.
One of our other men was incarcerated at age 16 and did 16 years in prison. He has been with us a little over a year. He is diagnosed schizophrenic and has the emotional maturity of a middle-schooler. He has done well but needs much support facing the daily requirements of life: work, healthcare, and maintaining relationships.
Another person moved out of our house after coming to us from prison but continues to be a part of our Adullam family. He has health problems that went unaddressed for some time. He had an opportunity to bid a construction job due to his extensive knowledge but crumbled under the pressure, most likely due to all the time spent in prison. He does well at the maintenance job he has at a hotel, and he is happy in the one-bedroom apartment he rents. He continues to help out with our maintenance that comes up and we continue to check in on him as he navigates life back in the community. We have a relationship with him even though he no longer lives in one of our homes. We feel we should continue to support him however needed. So far, that means sitting in doctor appointments with him so he doesn’t have to deal with it all alone.
This is the daily reality.
These are the people God brought among us.
These are some of the daily decisions that we make: Pay for this man’s rent, pay for this man’s phone, pay his rent, pay what’s needed to transport this woman’s kids from out of state, sit in appointments and be present, wait on hold with Medicaid, make decisions on who to take next, knowing we will not receive money to pay our bills until they get established and can contribute.
We go on, day by day, month by month and here again is another end of the year time of reflection.
And God continues to sustain us.
We don’t know what is best for anyone.
There are basic expectations and rules that we must present and enforce as an approved transitional home for men and women coming out of prison.
Then, there is our responsibility before God to those He brought into our path. What authority does God have over our lives as Christians?
Do we just want to hear more stories?
Do we just want to hear promises of success?
Do we just want to see potential?
Do we just want to see gratitude from those that are receiving?
These people we serve within Adullam have been convicted of murder, rape, theft, drug possession, and child endangerment. They are guilty of destruction- of hurting themselves and hurting others. But above all they are guilty before God, unholy and lost and yet the darkness of their known external crimes are no darker than my own hidden sinful heart, in God’s eyes, before I was given life and experienced spiritual regeneration.
Thanks be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Christ came to earth to die for me while I was not only indifferent to Him; I was His enemy.
He gave me Life and brought me to the point where I am living day by day trusting Him, learning more of the depth of the grace He showed me. I am unworthy.
I am learning of His Love through His leading in the midst of endless uncertainties every single day. The needs around us are endless, but Christ’s promises are endless that he’ll meet the needs of those who trust in Him alone; not our own understanding, not our abilities, not our vision, not our own potential, not our own accomplishments of what we do “for” God.
This is the Christian life: knowing Him.
This is the daily reality within Adullam. There are endless needs: financial, emotional, but above all, we pray that God reveals Himself to those among us. We start each day on our knees, seeking Him, dependent on Him as there are no office hours for His servants, and we are often empty and blank.
We pray for opportunities to present the Truth about the One to Whom all power and authority was given.
Who am I to think I know what is best for anyone?
My life is not my own. But we serve the Living God, we trust Him, not our own understanding.
He promises to direct our steps.
Any support from elsewhere is a reminder to us of the care of our Father, and how He tenderly provides for our needs, in ways we could never anticipate, from wherever He chooses.
I wanted to share some of the current needs in the hope that others pray for salvation for these people who, so far, appear indifferent to what God truly offers them, as well as give an honest glimpse of the daily reality of struggling to not trust our own understanding, but wait on our Father and learning more and more to step out in faith and wait upon His leading.